Saturday, 18 January 2014

Making Ice Cream with Old Boatyard in Arbroath

Old Boatyard in Arbroath is known for its delicious food and famous ice cream. While the ice cream is a local favorite, and gaining more public attention by the day, many people may be hesitant to try it the first time. Called Smokie Ice Cream, it gets its name from local smoked haddock fish. The ice cream carries only a faint trace of the fish though, and is something you must taste in order to understand. With that being said, Old Boatyard in Arbroath knows how to make good ice cream, and they would like to share with you some tips on how to make your own. 

(1) Always Use Fresh Ingredients

One thing Old Boatyard in Arbroath will never do without is fresh ingredients. The fresh ingredients are the key to any good ice cream, and without them you risk losing flavors.  Putting fruit in your ice cream is a popular choice for first timers, and Old Boatyard in Arbroath suggests going to a local farmers market to find your ingredients.

(2) It’s Okay to Mess Up

The team at Old Boatyard in Arbroath is now an expert at making their ice cream, but first time indulgers must be okay with messing up. Making ice cream can be challenging, and you will learn a lot after the first couple times. Fine tuning and tweaking will come with practice.

(3) Find the Best Temperatures

Old Boatyard in Arbroath knows that making ice cream is all about finding the right temperatures. Certain ingredients must be chilled, others heated, and some maintained at room temperature. Old Boatyard in Arbroath suggests spending some time understanding your recipe before diving right in.

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